Not All Gyms Are The Same
There really IS a gym out there for you
We don’t judge. Neither should you!
Beyond Measure Fitness is not your average gym.
When you think of a gym or a personal trainer, you might have an idea of what each one looks or acts like in your head. It’s also likely that it may be different from what is true at Beyond Measure Fitness.
Now we’re not saying we’re better than other gyms out there, but what we are saying is that we don’t have a dirty, dusty, scary gym full of tank top trainers yelling demands…
If you’re into the scary, dirty gym thing. Go for it. That’s just not us.
Although many see us as “personal trainers,” we refer to ourselves as coaches; coaches of exercise, nutrition, and sometimes even life.
Here are a few things you can expect on a visit to Beyond Measure Fitness:
When coming in to your first day, you’re instantly greeted with a smiling introduction and a handshake. The goal is not to impress anyone or scare anyone away. We want you to feel successful and become a part of a loving community along the way.
The way we achieve those goals is by the way we coach. We like to keep it as simple as possible, all the way down to just Three Simple Steps:
Step 1.)
If you’re tired, take a break.
Step 2.)
If you’re thirsty, take a drink.
Step 3.)
If something hurts, DON’T do it.
I know what you’re probably thinking. “Thats it?! This is your secret success formula??” And you’re right. It is pretty darn simple. And that’s the point. By keeping it simple, we enable you to stay consistent over the long-haul, which is where success comes from.
We have been doing our best to combat many fitness trends that lead people to believe that exercise should be painful, exhausting, and sometimes close to impossible. This is simply not the case.
“No Pain, No Gain” is not true. As a matter of fact, having pain usually results in minimizing gains.
In order to keep you pain-free, we show every single exercise like it’s the first time you’ve ever heard of it. We show you what to do, what not to do, and what to do again.
You want me to do what??
We know sometimes its overwhelming to hear words you’ve never even heard before and then to be expected to just do the exercise to perfection, that is why we also show easier ways- and even more challenging ways- you know, just in case ;).
Tailoring the workout to each individual person is our favorite thing to do and it’s our way of setting you up for success.
Once the workout is underway, we like to remind you that each exercise is done “one rep at a time”. This has become one of our most powerful mottos, not only because it comes in handy when your mind starts telling you to quit, but because it also fits into every day life. Repetitions, just like life events, should be done “one at a time” that way everything gets done correctly and safely!
If we do things correctly, then the workout will have flown by. An hour that you initially probably thought would be torturous is already over and quite possibly was also fun! *gasp*
Now, remember when I said being a coach was simple? That is because we keep it simple:
We make you feel welcomed, we only have Three Steps to follow, we show you how to do everything, we remind you to focus on one thing at a time, and we like to have fun!
Who said “personal trainers” had to be intimidating people that are only good at yelling and deadlifts?
Hopefully we break any negative connotation you may have with “personal trainers”.
We are only here to help.
Not sure if you're ready?
We'll schedule a quick phone call so we can find out more about you, what you're looking for, and how we might be able to help.